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Introduction: Discipline means training of the mind so as to make it accept willingly the control of rules or orders. In short, it is spontaneous obedience to superior authority. It is a valuable lesson to learn.

Real meaning: The real meaning of discipline is to obey some certain rules for a fine life in society. It teaches a man to lead a fine life in accordance with rules without creating any disturbance to others even at the weight of a mustard seed.
Its necessity: Discipline is necessary, in the first place, for one’s moral life. Self-indulgence is a natural temptation (610a) for all men. Our senses seek easy satisfaction. But if we give way to this craving, we will, in course of time, think of nothing but this. It Is an easier path to lead ahead of the life of pleasures like a bed of roses, but ultimately this leads to misery. Therefore we must keep our passion under the fullest check.
We can do this in two ways, – first, we must accept a noble ideal. Man is greater than all animals because man is ready to sacrifice the pleasures of life for a noble cause. Secondly, we must accept the guidance of our respected leaders. To submit to the orders of this leader is no shame. At school, we must submit to the order of the teachers; on the playground of the captain and at home of our superiors. We should remember a wise maxim to maintain it, — “He alone can command who knows how to obey”.
In intellectual life: Discipline is equally necessary for our Intellectual life. This intellect must function under the strict control, Wit is to do any real work. All the intellectuals have felt the necessity of discipline. For example, if a man is unable to fix his attention on any who accepts discipline in the intellectual pursuits, he is sure to achieve some work of noble note”. Discipline is necessary for our spiritual life.
The spiritual activity must be guided According to a system. This is religion. Every religion focuses on discipline. If discipline is not maintained in religious life, life will not be perfectly religious typed. To practice religion discipline is a must.
In spiritual life: Discipline is of supreme importance in the military life — in the battlefield. The order of the commanding officer has to be obeyed, come what may. For the soldiers who march towards the battlefield, the motto is- “There’s not to reason why; there’s not to make reply; there’s but to do and die.”
For the young man who responds to the call of the country, there is the supreme need of subordinating his own impulses and desires to the direction of the leader. After all, to accept discipline is always to be on the road to success. It develops our higher virtues of a higher nature. Self-control, obedience, single-minded devotion to duty, the capacity for self-sacrifice – these are the virtues fostered by a sense of discipline.
In practical life: Discipline is necessary for practical life, lest life should be spoiled. It is not slavery. It may at first appear severely painful but will soon make one used to it. But obedience ‘may have to be rationalized on rare occasions and should not be done by ignoring one’s conscience. It has a higher object in view, The slave shows blind subservience to the master’s will. True discipline lies in a conscious and spontaneous subordination of one’s self to the achievement of some higher purposes.
Conclusion: Discipline must not be mechanical; for man is not a machine. It cannot mean the negation of independent judgment. To accept discipline is by no means very pleasant. It means a surrender of personality that is risky. If we place before us something higher than mere self, discipline will only be willingly but cheerfully accepted. It has an uplifting effect on the character.

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