100 Nursery Rhymes
Most children love being told morethan 100 Nursery Rhymes. The most popular rhymes are listed here. Even elders love to hear these rhymes. They are sweet to our ears forever. These rhymes speak volumes about the interest shown by the education department to enthuse the children to speak out.

The list is clearly not exhaustive but it is believed that a good cross section of famous poems for children have been included. We have selected the most famous morethan 100 Nursery Rhymes for children. We have done our best to collect all the morethan 100 Nursery Rhymes from all sources and add them here for your reference. The addition of more and more rhymes is going on everyday.
These morethan 100 Nursery Rhymes for children have been passed down over the years and due to the short nature of the verse can easily be remembered by most children from a very early age. Analysis of these morethan 100 Nursery Rhymes will reflect the historical background in which these morethan 100 Nursery Rhymes were written. Those morethan 100 Nursery Rhymes are ...
- A B C...
- A diller, a dollar
- A kiss when I wake in the morning.
- A Rose is...
- Action Song
- After a Bath...
- All the little fishes...
- An Elephant
- An elephant walks like this and that.
- Are You Sleeping?
- As I was walking down the lake...
- Baa, Baa, Black Sheep...
- "Baa, Baa," says The Sheep.
- Birds of a feather flock together.
- Bits of Paper
- Boxing Is Not Hard At All.
- Bow, Wow, says the dog.
- Bow, Wow, Wow
- Butterfly, Butterfly, flutter around.
- Charley Barley, butter and eggs
- Charley, Charley...
- Chin-Chin China Man
- Chook, chook, chook, chook, chook
- Christmas is coming.
- Chubby Cheeks
- Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe : 1
- Cobbler, cobbler, mend my shoe : 2
- Cock A Doodle Doo!
- Come, let's to bed
- Counting Rhyme
- Ding, dong, bell
- Doctor Foster went to Gloucester.
- Donkey, Donkey
- Down At the Bus Stop....
- Early To Bed and Early To Rise
- Eight Big Fingers
- Engine, Engine number nine...
- Evening Red...
- Fee, fi, fa, fum...
- Five Little Monkeys
- Five Little Soldiers
- Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie
- Girls and Boys
- God bless Mummy.
- Good Afternoon! Good Afternoon!!
- Good Morning
- Goodnight, Sleep Tight.
- Goosey, goosey, gander
- Hello! Mr. Bunny Rabbit
- Hey diddle, diddle
- Hickety, pickety, my black hen
- Hickory, Dickory, Dock,
- Home from School
- Hot Cross Buns
- Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
- I am a little tea-pot.
- I am a Tiger...
- I Am Big Tree...
- I Am Special
- I clap with my hands.
- I do not like thee, Doctor Fell
- I had a little hen.
- I had a little nut tree
- I had a little pony
- I had a little wife.
- I Hear Thunder.
- I love little pussy.
- If all the world was paper...
- Ipsey Wipsey spider
- Jack and Jill...
- Jack be nimble
- Jack, Jack, Joe,
- Jack Sprat could eat no fat
- January Brings the Snow.
- Johny, Johny, Yes Mummy,
- Johny, Johny, Yes, Papa,
- Lady Bird Fly Away
- Left is The Window.
- Little Betty Blue
- Little Bo and Sheep
- Little Boy Blue
- Little Boy Sunny
- Little Fishes in a Brook
- Little Girl, Little Girl : 1
- Little Girl, Little Girl : 2
- Little Jack Horner
- Little Miss Muffett
- Little Peter Rabbit
- Little Polly Flinders
- Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a tree
- Little Tommy Tucker : 1
- Little Tommy Tucker : 2
- Lolly-Pop
- London's burning, London's burning...
- Lucy Locket
- Mary had A Little Lamb
- Mary, Mary quite contrary
- Me
- Monday's Child is fair of face.
- Mother May I go and bathe?
- Mr. East gave a feast.
- Mummy and Daddy
- My Jack in The Box
- My Mother is my God.
- My mother said...
- Numbers from 1 to 9
- Numbers from 10 to 20
- Numbers from 21 to 50
- O My My
- Oh! Butterfly! Butterfly!!
- Oh! Dear, what can the matter be?
- Oh Where, oh where has my little dog gone?
- Old Mother Hubbard
- Once I saw a little bird.
- One, two ...
- One More Joins!
- Oranges and Lemon
- Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man
- Peter and Paul
- Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater
- Piggie and Engine
- Please Porridge Hot.
- Poor old Robinson Crusoe!
- Prayer
- Pussy Cat Mole
- Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
- Rain, Rain Come Soon
- Rain, Rain, Go Away...
- Red sky at night
- Ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross
- Rock A Bye Baby
- Roses are Red.
- Row, row, row your boat
- Rub-a-dub-dub
- See-Saw Margery Daw
- Simple Simon
- Six little mice sat down to spin
- Smiling Girls, Rosy Boys...
- Swing High, Swing High,
- Taffy was a Welshman
- Tea Pot
- Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
- The Farmer’s In His Den.
- The Lion and The Unicorn
- The Moon
- There was a little girl and she had a little curl
- There was a little man and he had a little gun.
- There Was An Old Woman
- There was an old woman called Nothing-at-all.
- Three Blind Mice...
- Tiger, Tiger, Orange and Black!
- To market, to market...
- Tom, Tom, the piper’s son
- Tommy kept a chandler's shop.
- Tommy, Trot, a man of law
- Tweedledum and Tweedledee
- Two Little Ducks
- Two Little Hands...
- Twinkle, Twinkle little star
- Two Little Dicky Birds
- Waiting
- Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town
- William and Mary
- Work while you work.
- Yankee Doodle came to town.
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