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220+ Topics for Essays on Science and Technology

As important as scientific progress is, we need to keep in mind that it is our moral duty to put new technology under scrutiny and analyze its effects that we face in everyday life. That’s what Science and Technology Studies are all about. And the importance of science essays for STS can’t be stressed enough.
Want to learn more about writing thought-provoking essays on modern technology and on changing the world through science? Need to write a 10/10 technology and communication essay? Take a look at this guide and learn how to write about science!

Chapter 1: Key Criteria for a Scientific Essay

So, what is Science and Technology Studies?
STS is a discipline that deals with innovative technologies and scientific research. Moreover, this study investigates how exactly science and society influence each other.
If you want to learn more about the way cultures produce new scientific ideas and the way technology, in its turn, affects cultures, courses in STS are definitely for you.
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While the relationship between science and technology and their difference is a subject of many debates, it is only reasonable to study them within the confines of one academic field (take a look at a Diffen article on Science vs. Technology for more info).
Well, it’s simple:
Today’s technology is possible thanks to yesterday’s science. And the future of science depends on our present technology. Their mutual impact is one of the primary subjects of STS.
And to achieve academic prowess in the field of STS, you will need to get good at writing scientific essays.
Scientific essays. Essay writing will definitely be a part of your syllabus. The main requirements for scientific essays—which are presented just down below—can help you create a great qualitative scientific essay in English.
Want to write the best essay on science? Then be extremely attentive so that you won’t miss anything while reading the general principles of essay writing presented below:
1. Reference authoritative works
Scientific essays should be based on one or more scientific articles. We have to admit here that internet resources are not always acceptable in academic institutions. So, do not hurry to surf Internet sources like Wikipedia first. Take your time by looking through the books stored in your university library.
fact about wikipedia

2. Keep your sources fresh
Writers should use up-to-date and reliable sources of information as the basis of their scientific essay. As a rule, your university or college sets the requirements for the sources. So, before you use an article dated December 1945, consult your tutor. Such sources can be too outdated for scientific essays.
3. Stay on topic
Any articles used to write your scientific essays should be related to the areas you studied during a certain semester. That is why it is best to show the articles you’ve found to a tutor or TA in order to avoid possible misunderstandings.
4. Stick to the structure
The structure of a technology essay remains the same as basically any other custom essay. It includes:
  • An essay introduction where you state your point in a clear thesis statement and give a general overview of the topic; it should explain the relationship of the article(s) to the essay.
  • A main body where you present the results of your investigation in the form of topic sentences and arguments supporting them; the main body serves to present the writer’s interpretation of the article(s) read. When explaining the accuracy of interpretations, the writer should give proof, examples, quotations, etc.
  • A closing paragraph where you restate your views and evoke the reader’s interest in further research; the conclusion of a scientific essay should present one or several findings made while analyzing the article(s).
Roger Bacon quote
Just saying that “more research on the subject is required” is not what the conclusion should be about. Recapitulating a few articles is not enough.
And if you want to make sure your essay is perfect grammar-wise, why not check our “Grammar tips” section?
We hope the information presented here will help you create a worthy scientific essay.
You can also read about a social science essay on our blog.

Chapter 2: Choosing a Science Studies Topic

This time your task is to write essays on science and technology.
You know, the field of science and technology is so broad that it is not very easy to decide on good science and technology topics right away!
That is why we will explain the main issues to pay attention to while picking out a topic for your scientific essay:
  • It must be interesting for you as a writer;
  • It should be of current importance for readers;
  • It has to shed light on some scientific innovations;
If you take these three points into consideration, you’ll have a great opportunity to succeed in writing your essays on science and technology.
If you feel lost and are not sure what is a worthy topic, try thinking about something down to earth and present in our daily lives.
Here’s the thing:
Science, daily advanced little by little, provides us with multiple topics. Sure, it’s always fascinating to ruminate on sci-fi ideas. But one closer look at regular stuff around us reveals a ton of possible science and technology topics. For instance, sports we watch on a daily basis are filled with science.
How so?
Well, for instance, take baseball. How do you like “The physical properties of standard baseball bats and their effect on ball velocity? Want another example?
When it comes to writing about the importance of science and technology in our daily life, all it takes is a good look around you. We are surrounded by marvelous inventions that we are used to. Want a short list of those?
Here it is:
  1. Anything made of plastic.
    In its present form, one of the most wide-spread materials was made by Leo Baekeland in 1907. Today numerous industries rely on the production of plastic, from packaging and electronics to aerospace and industrial engineering.
Fact about bakelite
  1. Anything charged with electricity.
    For example, works by people like Alessandro Volta or Andre-Marie Ampère lie at the foundation of the electrical industry that provides the humankind with 3,128.40 kWh.
  2. Any piece of food in front of you.
    Science has revolutionized our approach to food cultivation thanks to biologists and chemists who raised agricultural productivity to a new level.
  3. Any modern medicine.
    At the end of the 18th century, scientist Edward Jenner established that vaccination works. And in the 19th century, the germ theory of disease emerged which saved millions of lives over the span of two hundred years.
Now that we looked at some achievements from the past, let’s explore several of the most up-to-date innovations that can be described in your essays on science and technology:
1. Voice-commanded robot wheelchair (that will bring you to any location stored in its memory) 2. Mobile video communication from any mountaintop (a rather useful technique for reporters) 3. Increasingly powerful 3-D computer chips 4. Computers that can determine your age just by looking at your face 5. Innovative technologies in Antarctica that are speeding up polar research
There will always be some new topics to discuss in science and technology essays. You just need to pick out the most exciting ones! So, good luck!
You can always find more ideas for essays on space on our website.

Chapter 3: Modern Technology Essay 101

Because technology is a rather broad concept, technology essay writing involves a wide scope of fields and can have many definitions. In the most general sense, this discipline studies human knowledge and how it contributes to the development and improvement of life.
Technology essays can talk about science, engineering, machines, hardware, utensils, systems, techniques, and methods of organization. As you can see, even simple essays about technology cover a wide variety of topics. After all, the STEM field encompasses multiple disciplines: environmental research, neurobiology, astrophysics, robotics, computer science, and much more. And all of these have a profound influence on our society.
Need an example?
Neurobiology poses difficult questions like: does each brain hemisphere have the potential for developing its separate consciousness? This raises a lot of ethical issues. Essays covering ethical issues within science often have this subtitle: “Boon or curse?”
We suggest that you investigate the following topics in your technology essay:
  • Prehistoric discoveries versus recent technological developments.
  • The invention of the wheel as a means of traveling and controlling one’s own environment.
  • The printing press, the telephone, and the Internet: their contribution to global communications.
  • Technological inventions that also have destructive power.
  • Technology and the global economy.
  • Technology and the rise of the leisure class.
  • The positive and negative impacts of technology.
  • Philosophical debates about the present and future use of technology.
  • Luddism as the most radical opposition to the use of technology.
  • Transhumanism and techno-progressivism and their positive views of technology.
  • Does technology provide for a better life or is it a bane?
Ray Kurzweil quote
And if you are looking for more interesting topics for essay writing, check this out:
You are welcome to pick out one of the suggested essay topics and explore it in your own technology essay.
While writing a short essay on technology, keep the following tips in mind:
  • Be sure you correctly understand the chosen problem.
  • Compose well-developed sentences.
  • Use linking phrases both within paragraphs and within the text as a whole.
  • Ensure that your text is cohesive and logical.
  • Give a detailed explanation of your research.
  • Offer vivid and persuasive arguments.
  • Write in language that would be clear even to an unsophisticated audience.
  • Mind the tone and wording of your technology essay.
  • Be careful about various types of mistakes (spelling, grammar, style, format).
  • Sound formal but not moralizing.
  • Foresee possible questions from your readers and answer them beforehand in your essays on technology.
  • Call your readers to action and push them toward an adequate response.
The interdisciplinary nature of STS is the reason why this kind of thematic essay has some particularly high requirements. You have to follow all the rules of writing a typical English essay and be very careful when choosing reliable studies and relevant scientific facts.
Write such an effective essay on technology that it will have a valuable significance for human development, as any finding you reach may be further used for the benefit of mankind.

Chapter 4: Space Exploration Essay Ideas

Our fascination with what lies beyond the sky is reflected in the abundance of space sci-fi fiction. Many people got interested in science and space exploration thanks to movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey and TV shows like Star Trek.
Probably, even primitive men had a yearning for more knowledge of the sky, stars, sun, outer space planets, the universe, and all the other sky objects. With the development of science and some primal technologies, people started to think of being closer to the sky.
Space explorations began in the ancient world and from century to century humanity’s knowledge of the sky and space was amassing. Finally, people managed to create the first satellite, the first spaceship. We managed to arrange the first space trip and step on the moon.
Moon landings fact
All these amazing things, getting us closer to the brave new world, can be described in essays on space exploration. We are glad to help you with your space exploration essay by giving several essay writing topics with answers.

I. Space Studies

Space studies are becoming more significant to the humanity. Your essay on space exploration can be devoted to the very beginning of this era. You can tell about actual space studies that began at the end of the 19th century and were developing over the years into what we have now. Here is the list of space exploration essay topics:
  1. What is the purpose of planetary science?
  2. How do you understand and define space?
  3. The overview of Space and the humanity
  4. History and evolution of Space Studies
  5. What are some of the prominent contributions of Space Studies?
  6. Who contributed to the development of Space Studies?
  7. What have we learned from Space Studies?
  8. What are the benefits of Space Studies?
  9. Describe trends in competition in Space Studies
  10. What is the role of NASA?
  11. What is significant about the Solar System?
  12. Describe the dynamics of space flights
  13. Describe the first 50 years of the space age
  14. Compare and contrast different space research techniques
  15. What are effects of space travel on the human body?
  16. Discuss human trips to other planets
  17. How relevant is the problem of space debris?
  18. What is the role of dogs in discovering space?
fact about first creature in the space
  1. Discuss the process of man adaptation in space conditions
  2. Discuss Space Exploration Day, its origin and relevance
  3. The effect of space weather on the planet Earth
  4. Ecological problems of space exploration
  5. Current trends and news about space exploration
  6. Who are the most famous American astronauts and researchers?
  7. Who was the first man to travel into space?
  8. What are the economic benefits of space exploration?
  9. Discuss interesting facts about space
  10. What are space programs of major countries?
  11. Exploration, effects and possible uses of black holes
  12. Is there any evidence about the existence of black holes?
  13. Explain the concept of white holes
  14. What is the difference between black and white holes?

II. Technology essay

You can write a technology essay on space exploration. In such work, you may describe the first projects of the spaceships as well as write about the most up-to-date technologies in the sphere of space traveling and exploration.
  1. History of spacecraft
  2. What are advantages and disadvantages of unmanned spacecrafts?
  3. Describe a modern spacecraft
  4. Project Orion: origin, challenges, and its impact
  5. How does a rocket fly?
  6. How long does it take a spaceship to get to a planet?
  7. Can space technology solve the energy crisis?
  8. Prospects for the development of space technologies
  9. Can space technology help to combat the avian influenza virus?
  10. Discuss relevance of space weapons
  11. Who are the pioneers of rocket and space technology?
  12. How is the rocket constructed?
  13. How does an artificial satellite work?
  14. Spacecraft classification
  15. What happens at the International Space Station?
  16. Pros and cons of space weapons
  17. Future of space traveling
  18. What are safety measures on space crafts?

III. Space exploration and Cold War

Space exploration essays can also be devoted to one of the most progressive periods of space exploration – the period of the Cold War. It was the period that can be described as a space race when the United States and the USSR were developing their technologies. It was a tough competition.
Apollo 11 mission on the moon
You can write a comparative short essay on the science of space exploration, comparing space programs of the two countries.
  1. The United States and USSR Space Race
  2. Compare and contrast: Sputnik and Apollo
  3. How were discoveries of space affected by Cold War?
  4. Timeline of space investigation and Cold War
  5. Cold War, Space Studies, and diplomacy
  6. What are consequences of space race?
  7. Was space race a result of a Cold War?

IV. Space innovations

Finally, in your short essay on science and technology in future, you can think of the real importance of various space innovations for the humankind. A lot of people tend to condemn spending huge sums of money on space exploration, when there are so many people starving or suffering from different disasters. So, give your viewpoint on this question in the essay on space exploration.
Do you want to pick up some tips on how to choose good topics? Check out some brainstorming techniques in our Guide to Academic Writing.
If you are wondering whether space exploration is still relevant, read what Neil deGrasse Tyson has to say on the subject:
Neil Degrasse Tyson quote
  1. What is the importance of Space Studies to us?
  2. Why should we continue space exploration?
  3. How much money is spent on space studies?
  4. Should money be spent on space exploration?
  5. Is space exploration a waste of money?
  6. What are prospects of space investigation?
  7. What are some disadvantages of space studies?
  8. Why do we need space exploration?
  9. What are pros and cons of space exploration?
  10. Is colonization of the Solar System realistic?
Elon Mask-quote
  1. Compare and contrast colonization of outer space planets in science fiction.
  2. What space innovations do you think will be invented in the future?
  3. Do you think humanity can survive on another planet?
We hope that writing your space exploration essay will be interesting and cognitive with these science essay topics.

220 Topics for Essays on Science and Technology

    1. The history of computers: how was the first computer invented?
    2. The new Face ID technology: is it a revolutionary invention?
    3. What technologies should scientists develop for people to live on Mars?
    4. Modern automobiles and technologies that help drivers control their vehicles
    5. The furthest object that humanity managed to observe with the help of a telescope
    6. New technologies' impact on people’s health, lifestyle, and values
    7. Is teleport possible or people should stop spending money on its development?
    8. What will technological schools look like in the future?
    9. Is the human brain more productive than a computer?
    10. What impact new technologies have on people’s beliefs and philosophies?
    11. Leonardo da Vinci's contribution to new technologies and modern civilization
    12. Revolutionary technologies and famous inventions in Japan
    13. Will people study exact sciences in the future?
    14. Is there a possibility that people's labor might not be necessary for different manufacturing processes in the future?
    15. What could Isaac Newton possible invent in the twenty-first century?
    16. Do new technologies influence people’s appearance? How?
    17. What would the world be like without computers and telephones?
    18. Will builders, cooks, and other professions that do not require the human factor remain in demand in several decades?
    19. New technologies and equipment that helps farmers during the wheat harvest
    20. Will hover drones replace helicopters in the future?
    21. Alternative energy sources
    22. Social media's impact on the world and populations of different countries
    23. What technologies should be implemented to stop pollution on Earth?
    24. If people inhabit Mars, what means of communication between two planets might be fast enough to share useful information?
    25. How can the problem of individuals who are not connected to the Internet be solved?
    26. Technologies in modern architecture
    27. A scientific approach to the problem of alcoholism
    28. Stephen Hawking's black holes hypothesis
    29. NASA's space projects that will be realized in the next decade
    30. In which spheres computer technologies cannot replace workers?
    31. A scientific approach to global warming: the most efficient methods of the catastrophe prevention
    32. Useful features in the new generation of computers and mobile phones
    33. How sun rays affect people's health?
    34. Ernest Rutherford's scientific career and achievements
    35. The most technological country in the world
    36. Technologies implemented for cleaning the oceans from garbage
    37. Innovative methods of charging electronic gadgets
    38. Scientific research in the field of spaceships: are interplanetary travels possible?
    39. The temperature on the surface of Pluto
    40. The most ridiculous and useless scientific experiments
    41. Gravity, temperature, and living conditions on the Moon
    42. What can be possibly found on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean? Will humanity ever reach its deepest point?
    43. Technologies that make people's lives safer
    44. The human brain and a computer: differences and similarities
    45. Technologies used in nursing for delivering appropriate medicaments to patients in hospital settings
    46. Scientific research on the topic of protecting the world's nature and environment: ecologic technologies and policies
    47. Does the popular movement of minimalism somehow contribute to new technologies?
    48. The tallest plants on Earth and places where they grow
    49. Innovative technologies in producing and reserving electricity all over the world
    50. New technologies that prevent ships from falling over during storms
    51. Apple's approach to the safety of their clients' personal data
    52. How the Milky Way’s planets’ orbits will change in the next century?
    53. Universe: how big can it possibly be?
    54. Nanotechnologies used in medicine to prevent or heal people from AIDS and cancer
    55. Earth's collision with an asteroid in approximately six hundred years: true danger or a hoax?
    56. Is it ever going to possible for humanity to pass the border of our galaxy?
    57. Will humans inhabit Mars instead of saving Earth from the ecological catastrophe?
    58. Nanotechnologies in reducing the amount of garbage on the planet
    59. New technologies in sports and how will they influence people's health?
    60. Modern bicycles and technologies that reduce the risk of accidents on the roads
    61. The safest means of transport in the world
    62. Virtual reality and how humanity can use it
    63. Can disabled people live a healthy life with the help of virtual reality?
    64. The best way to travel across universe and galaxies
    65. Robots and other programmed machines: how will they influence the life on Earth?
    66. Changes in people’s occupations due to technological development
    67. Is there a possibility of human clones’ invention?
    68. The most impressive innovations that people expect scientists to develop in the next century
    69. Nanotechnologies in biology: is there a possibility that people might install microchips in their heads to records every memory and useful data?
    70. Is it necessary to support human brain activities with the help of technologies?
    71. Social media vs television: is there a possibility that people might stop watching TV channels and switch to the Internet?
    72. New technologies in education: what new methods of teaching and learning might be helpful in colleges and universities?
    73. How does the world of innovative technologies and gadgets influence people's relationships with one another?
    74. A new trend in Japan: marriages with virtual characters
    75. Genetically modified foods and their impact on human health
    76. The effectiveness of physical exercises supported by new technologies
    77. How long does it take scientists to develop a vaccine against a virus that emerged unexpectedly?
    78. The diffusion of the Ebola virus and various methods of its prevention in healthy people
    79. Benefits and advantages of the 3D printing technology
    80. How computers changed people's lives?
    81. Products that make people's night rests healthier and their daily activities more productive
    82. The environment's impact on people's health: toxic gases, dirty water, and GM foods
    83. New technologies in planes that help pilots control and land the aircrafts
    84. How can 3D printing reduce people’s expenses in medicine?
    85. The role of drones in the modern world: how can people use this technology to save finances and prevent traffic jams?
    86. Vehicles of the future: how will people travel to work in several decades?
    87. The technology of controlling computers and mobile phones using only brain activities
    88. New technologies that balance people's nervous systems and prevent stresses
    89. Nanotechnologies in ophthalmology: resolving the problem of children with poor vision
    90. People's mental health and how modern gadgets influence it
    91. New technologies in recycling garbage: methods to prevent global pollution
    92. China's rapid development: technologies that the country uses for its economic system's growth
    93. Methods of delivering oxygen to people on Mars in the future
    94. Technologies that filter water and make it pure for people to consume
    95. Oil drilling technologies and their impact on the environment
    96. How new business companies use social media for gaining profits and attracting new clients?
    97. Computer applications and programs that help students in accomplishing and organizing scientific research
    98. How will the Internet change in one hundred years and what technology might replace the World Wide Web in the future?
    99. The advantages of using the cloning technologies in household cares
    100. Undesirable outcomes of people’s dependency on their gadgets: computers, mobile phones, and gaming consoles
    101. New technologies in language learning: innovative methods to increase one's vocabulary
    102. New technologies used for transplanting vital organs
    103. The role of video games in people's lives
    104. Ecologic fuel that might replace natural gas, petrol, and diesel
    105. The possible harm that robots might cause to humanity
    106. Is it possible to travel through time and what technologies might help humanity to develop a time machine?
    107. Perpetual motion machine: attempts of different scientists to create an engine with endless resources of energy
    108. Technologies that people use on a daily basis
    109. Scientific inventions or decisions that might save the world
    110. How far can people go from Earth in the outer space?
    111. Automobiles' aerodynamic qualities and how they changed since 1950?
    112. How do technologies change people's mentalities and cultures?
    113. What is the purpose of inventing new warfare technologies if some countries have enough power to destroy our planet several times?
    114. The impact of new technologies on military establishment and relationships among countries?
    115. Does the Internet make people wiser or not?
    116. Technologies restricted by law in the territory of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea?
    117. Do such Internet search engines as Google, Ask, and Bing make people less attentive to the things they learn?
    118. If new software requires more memory space on computers, how many terabytes will an average user need to working online in twenty years?
    119. Will robots live with people in one hundred years?
    120. How can robots help humanity to increase people’s daily productivity?
    121. New technologies in Apple gadgets that change people's lives
    122. Alternative ways of grasping and sharing necessary information in the future
    123. Will translation or interpreting software ever be able to replace professional philologists?
    124. How can robots and other programmed machines provide medical treatment to patients in hospitals?
    125. New technologies in the taxi business
    126. Is technological progress a good thing or people should avoid it?
    127. What technologies cause harm to the environment, Earth's population, and the oceans?
    128. Technologies in the tattoo business: the most effective methods of putting colored pigments under the skin
    129. Does the U.S. government use some technologies that allow them to wiretap people's private calls? Is this ethical?
    130. What technologies should be implemented to create wireless access to the Internet all over the world?
    131. Do values of contemporary people focus on new technologies more than on everything else?
    132. What technologies should be implemented to reduce the possibility of overpopulation on Earth?
    133. Are electric cars more economical and productive than vehicles that run on benzene, diesel, and natural gas?
    134. Do technologies of Face ID and Touch ID protect people’s data from hackers?
    135. Can any technologies make people’s lives longer or reduce the time required for night rests?
    136. Are dolphins and whales as smart as people?
    137. New science movements and branches
    138. The role of synthetic biology in medicine
    139. Nanoscience and its impact on people's development in the future
    140. Bionics: the main principles and purposes of the new science
    141. Nutrigenomics: food values and other factors that influence people's health
    142. The main principles and purposes of the memetics study
    143. Neuroeconomics: the ability of the human brain to make wise decisions
    144. Sonocytology: the study of the sounds and impulses that the human cells make
    145. Technologies that help people socialize and rehabilitate after long-term comas
    146. How can zero gravity in the outer space be used for people's benefits?
    147. What countries are known for their citizens' considerable achievements in the sphere of science?
    148. What countries are known for their citizens’ considerable achievements in the sphere of new technologies?
    149. How long will it take Earth to restore all its resources and energy consumed by humanity?
    150. New technologies in restaurant and hotel businesses: Improved methods of cooperating with clients
    151. Implanting microchips in animals: is it ethical?
    152. New technologies that allow people to shop online: is it economical regarding both time and money?
    153. New technologies that reduce various health risks in polluted areas
    154. Innovative methods of completing medical operations more accurate and reducing the possibilities of unfortunate outcomes
    155. New technologies aimed at cleaning eggs and removing all the bacteria from the natural products' surfaces
    156. How can the implantation of microchips in the human brain help paralyzed individuals?
    157. Autopilot installed in heavy-weight trucks
    158. Payment systems that require people’s eye or face scans: is this technology safer than usual passwords?
    159. Cameras with options that allow people to film everything in the 360-degree mode
    160. Solar batteries and their significance in the modern world
    161. Smart computers that do not require a person’s intervention to complete particular tasks or to gain new information
    162. Robotic chefs: the gadgets’ functions and other options that make cooking easier
    163. The technology of modular phones: why the idea of creating a phone that consists of multiple blocks failed?
    164. The new technology that might allow people to feel and touch different objects in virtual realities
    165. Are regular citizens going to be able to travel to space in the nearest future?
    166. The technology that recycles and filters the water people use for showering
    167. Technologies that fishing business uses
    168. Gyroscope and various devices based on its working principle
    169. Newton circle and spheres that use it nowadays
    170. Scientific facts that prove the existence of other life forms in the outer space
    171. Active volcanoes that can erupt at any moment: preventative and safety technologies
    172. Technologies that might make people healthy and fit without their effort
    173. New technologies in the cosmetics business
    174. Perspective science branches that might form new occupation in the future
    175. The most valuable resource on Earth and technological methods of its extraction
    176. New technologies in web-design
    177. Internet of Things: how does it influence people’s everyday lives?
    178. Synthetic food: are there any nutritious components?
    179. What technologies should be implemented in people’s houses to reduce the costs of utilities?
    180. Entertainment: how new technologies will influence people’s hobbies in the future?
    181. How will new technologies impact the way people act, communicate, and treat one another?
    182. How long will it take people to travel between Earth and Mars?
    183. The temperature on Mars: is it possible for humans to survive on the Red Planet without additional heating devices?
    184. What will people eat on Mars and how will they get their food?
    185. Professions that humanity might need on Mars if it is colonized
    186. Technologies that will be essential for people to survive on Mars
    187. Messages sent by humanity in the outer space: will they ever be answered?
    188. If there are other forms of life in different galaxies, how will humans be able to understand and contact with them?
    189. Satellites on the orbit of our planet: what do these devices do and why are they important for people?
    190. Is it possible for a human being to stay in a deep freeze for an extended period?
    191. International Space Station: what do cosmonauts research and observe on the orbit of Earth?
    192. The main problems of modern science: what issues are scientists trying to solve?
    193. The main problems of modern technologies: how dangerous can new technologies be for our environment?
    194. How different professions change and improve due to the technological development?
    195. Egyptian pyramids: technologies that ancient Egyptians used to build their pharaohs' graves
    196. Contemporary scientists' significant achievements in chemistry and biology
    197. Technologies that are used in modern helicopters and how these flying machines developed since 1950?
    198. German technologies in road building: how is it possible to build a high-quality road that lasts for decades?
    199. New technologies that maternity hospitals use
    200. What is antimatter and what use can it find in different industries?
    201. Importance of science and technology for the well-being of humanity
    202. Development of science and technology in the 21st century
    203. How has technology changed our lives compared to those of people living a century ago?
    204. The contemporary technology you cannot live without
    205. Possible positive and negative impacts of science development on the future
    206. Ethical aspects of genetic engineering for humans
    207. Controversial issues of stem cell research
    208. What are advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering?
    209. Science and technology: what are the tools of enabling the disabled?
    210. Experiments on humans: can they be justified for the sake of science development?
    211. Alternative energy technologies: are they able to provide humanity with sustainable energy resources?
    212. Are there technologies able to stop global warming?
    213. What technologies can limit the adverse human impact on the environment?
    214. A contribution of science and technology to reducing carbon footprint
    215. Is there a connection between human science and technology activity and natural disasters?
    216. Military technology advancement: a way to safety or a global threat?
    217. Robot army: a scene from a fiction movie or near future?
    218. Science and technology for personal safety
    219. Advances in science and technology for cybersecurity
    220. Development of technologies for safe online purchases

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