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Paragraph on Earthquake


Earthquake is a sudden movement of a part of the earth’s surface caused by deep crack in the earth or by volcanic eruption. It causes great disaster. Some regions of the earth are prone to earthquake while others are comparatively safe from this natural disaster. It is now frequently felt in Bangladesh. But most of our people are not aware of the gravity of its loss. Because of the recurrence of earthquakes, experts have given more attention to this issue in recent times. Some countries like Japan, Iran etc. are frequently hit by earthquake. Houses and bridges in these countries are built shock-proof. Forecast regarding the occurrence of earthquake is not possible. A severe earthquake causes widespread destruction of houses, and properties. People are crushed under the broken houses. Often several quakes hit a place at short intevals. So after a quake people live in tents in the open field. When a severe quake hits a populous city thousands of people are killed and injured. Many people get trapped in the broken houses and it takes age to rescue them. The only way to get rid o the ravages of this natural disaster is to build houses, bridges and roads in such a waythat they can resist the tremors.

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