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Completing Story for all student

Completing Story
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1. Make a complete story with the following lines and give a title..
Once there was a cow boy. He was very wicked. He used to fooled others by telling lies with people. . . . . . ,

A liar cow boy/shepherd

Once there was a cow boy. He was very wicked. He used to fooled others by telling lies with people. e tended his cows by a forest. One day he cried out to make fun, “tiger, tiger, help, help.”  The farmers ran to the place to help him. But they found nothing. Then the cow boy laughed at them.  So, they went away. He made this fun once more. The people came. They saw the same trick and went away with angry.One the tiger really came. The cow boy cried out for help. But none came to help him. The tiger killed the cowboy.

Moral: “To tell a lie is a great sin.”
***2. Make a complete story with the following lines and give a title.. .
There were two friends . They lived in a certain village. They promised that they would help each other at the time of danger. One day they were passing through a deep forest. Suddenly a bear came in front of them. So both of them were afraid and were at a less what to do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Two friends and a bear
There were two friends . They lived in a certain village. They promised that they would help each other at the time of danger. One day they were passing through a deep forest. Suddenly a bear came in front of them. So both of them were afraid and were at a less what to do. One of the friends climbed up a tree. He did not think of his friend. The other friend did not know how to climb up a tree. He fell on the ground like a dead body. The bear smelt his body. It tested his ears and nose. At last, it took him a dead body and went away. The first friend got down and asked his friend,” Friend, what did the bear say to you?” The other friend replied, the bear advised me not to believe a friend who does not stay by his friend in danger.”

Moral:A friend in need is a friend indeed.

****3. Make a complete story with the following lines and give a title. .Once upon a time on a hot hot day in summer a crow felt very thirsty. It flew here and there in search of water. But it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Thirsty Crow
Once upon a time on a hot day in summer, a crow felt very thirsty. . It flew here and there in search of water. But it did not find water any where. At last it saw a jar. It flew down to it. But the water was at the bottom of the jar. So, it could not drink water. It tried to turn over the jar, but failed. At last it saw some pebbles near the jar. It picked up the pebbles one by one and threw them into the jar. Gradually the water came up . Then the crow drank water and flew away.

(Morality: Where there is will there is way)

***4. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there was an old farmer who had three sons . Though they were grown up, they had no good relation with one another. They were dishonest and always quarreled with one another. This made the farmer very anxious. So, he wanted to teach his sons ……….. … … .. …… … …. .. …. … …… …. …… … … …. … …. … ….. ……
Unity is strength
Once there was an old farmer who had three sons . Though they were grown up, they had no good relation with one another. They were dishonest and always quarreled with one another. This made the farmer very anxious. So, he wanted to teach his sons. One day while the sons were quarreling , the farmer called his sons. He asked them to bring four sticks together. The brought the sticks. He told his wife to tie the sticks together. Then he gave the bundle to his sons one after another and told them to break the bundle. The tried again and again but could not break the bundle. Then he told his wife to untie the bundle and give one stick to each of their sons and told them to break. This time they easily broke the sticks. He then told his sons, “if you are united , nobody can harm you.” The sons understood the matter and stopped quarrelling forever.

***5. Read the following lines and make a complete story with a title . Once in a very hot day a fox came to a vine-yard where he saw some grapes. The grapes were ripe and looked very attractive. As the fox was very hungry…………………………………………………
Grapes are sour
Once in a very hot day a fox came to a vine-yard where he saw some grapes. The grapes were ripe and looked very attractive. As the fox was very hungry and thirsty. He was tempted by the beautiful ripe grapes. The grapes were hanging high. The fox thought of having a good of the ripe grapes. So, he jumped and jumped to reach the grapes. But the grapes were high to reach. The fox became tired and thought that it was no good trying. So he went away saying” The grapes are sour. I do’nt want to have the grapes”

**6. Complete the lines and make a story with a title.. Bayzid was a small boy . One night he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailling mother. All on a sudden his mother woke up . she felt very thirsty . she told her son ……………………………………………………………….
Devotion to Mother
Bayzid was a small boy . One night he was studying by the side of the bed of his ailling mother. All on a sudden his mother woke up . she felt very thirsty . she told her son to give her a glass of water. But he found no water in the pitcher. So he went to a distant place to bring water. He came back with water and found his mother asleep. He did not awake her. H was waiting for his mother’s awaking. When it was dawn, Bayazid’s mother awoke. She found her son standing by her bed with a glass of water in his hand. She then realized the fact. She embraced her son and blessed him.

***7. Make a complete story with the following lines and give a title. Once two rats found a loaf of bread. They could not agree within themselves to divide the bread. Each of them wanted the larger share of it. They quarreled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dividing Cake/Two rats and a monkey
Once two rats found a loaf of bread. They could not agree within themselves to divide the bread. Each of them wanted the larger share of it. They quarreled for this.. They went to the monkey to divide the cake piece properly. The monkey didvided the piece. But it is not equally divided. He told that one piece seemed larger than other. So he ate the larger part. Then he divided the cake into two pieces again. The same thing repeated. The monkey ate the larger part. He continued this method. The rats understood the monkey’s crafty method and told the monkey to stop it.The monkey stopped his method but claimed the rest of the cake as his fee. Thus he ate up the entire cake.

Moral: Quarrel creats the advantage for a third person.

****8. Read the following lines and make a complete story with a title. Once upon a time there lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday. The farmer was very greedy. He thought that……. ….. ……. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A greedy farmer/Grasp all, Lose All
Once upon a time there was a farmer who had a wonderful goose. Every morning she laid a golden egg. He used to sell the golden egg to the market . He became rich. But by this time the man became very greedy and impatient to have all the eggs at a time.. He wanted to be rich overtnight. So, he wanted to get all the eggs at a time . He thought if he cut the goose , he would get all the eggs at a time. He told his plan to his wife. His wife was a wise woman. She was not greedy. She requested her husband not to do so. But the farmer did not listen to his wife. He took his knife and cut the goose . But he found no egg. Thus he lost the goose and lost the gold eggs for ever. The farmer was sorry.His wife also scolded him

9.Read the following lines and make a complete story. Robert Bruce, king of scotland , fought several times to regain his country’s freedom but was each time defeated… . . . . Deep in despair, when he was thinking… … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Perseverance is the key to success
Robert Bruce, king of scotland, fought several time to regain his country’s freedom but was each time defeated. Once he was sitting in a secret place in deep thought. Deep in despair, when he was thinking of giving up the attempt, he noticed a spider trying to reach the ceiling of the room. It tried nine times to reach but failed. Bt it did not give up the attempt. At last it climed up once and succeeded to reach the ceiling. The sight filled the king with hope. He gathered a large number of soldiers and gave battle . This time , he was successful.

10. Read the following lines and make a complete story with a title. Once upon a time there lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday. The farmer was very greedy. He thought that……. ….. ……. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A greedy farmer
Once upon a time there lived a farmer in a village. He had a wonderful goose. The goose laid an egg of gold everyday. The farmer was very greedy. He thought that if he got one egg daily, it would take a long time to be rich. He wanted to rich overtnight. So, he wanted to get all the eggs at a time. He took his knife and cut the womb of the goose but found no egg. Thus the lost the goose and lost the gold eggs for ever. He had nothing to do without repenting.

The greedy dog
Once a dog stole a piece of meat from a butcher’s shop. The dog ran with it in his mouth. On his way, there was a narrow stream. The stream was bridged over by a plank placed across it. As the dog was on the plank, he happened to look down.He saw his image on the clear water below. He took it another piece of meat. He wanted to get it. In fact, it was his own shadow and not another dog. As he opened his mouth to bark at his shadow , the piece of meat fell down from his mouth. It dropped into the stream. He jumped into the water at once to get back his piece of meat. He searched for it by swimming, but failed . He lost it for ever.

12. Read the following lines and make a complete story with a title. Once there lived a hare in a forest. A tortois lived near the forest. ….. …. ..
A hare and a tortoise
Once there lived a hare in a forest. A tortoise lived near the hare. One day they met to each other . The hare said the tortoise that you have many legs like I but you can not run fast like I can. The tortoise became angry. He answered ”you can run quite fast, no doubt. But I think, you can talk even faster than you can run.”
The hare neglected the tortoise for his comment. So, laughing he went away and took rest. But at the time of taking rest he slept in a deep sleep. But awaking from the sleep, he saw it was too late. Then he started to run again but he saw the tortoise reached the place. The hare understood and became ashamed.

13. Read the following lines and make a complete story with a title . Once a hungry fox was searching for food in the forest. After a while, he came to a vine-yard. … … …… …. …. ….. …. …… …… …. ….. …. …… ….. ……. ……. …… ….
Grapes are sour
Once a hungry fox was searching for food in the forest. After a while, he came to a vine-yard. Ripe grapes were in the vines. The fox was very hungry and thirst y. He was tempted by the beautiful ripe grapes. The grapes were hanging high. The fox thought of having a good of the ripe grapes. So, he jumped and jumped to reach the grapes. But the grapes were high to reach. The fox became tired and thought that it was no good trying. So he went away saying” The grapes are sour. I do’nt want to have the grapes”

14. Read the beginning of the following story and complete it . Once a lion was asleep in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there. It did not notice the sleeping lion . It was running and playing happily. By chance it ran over the face of the lion. It awoke the lion . At this the lion grew very angrey. ….. ……. ……. …………. …………. ……….. …… ……. ………. ……. …..

A lion and a mouse
Once a lion was asleep in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came there . It did not see the sleeping lion. It was running about and playing happily. By chance it ran over the face of the lion . It awoke the lion. At this the lion grew very angry with the mouse. The lion caught it and wanted to kill it. The mouse begged for his life. The lion had pity on it and left it with a clear warning. The mouse promised to give any help in case of need. The lion laughed at the offer of the mouse. After a few days the lion fell into a trap in a net and roared. The mouse heard the lion’s roaring and rushed to help the lion. He cut the net with his sharp teeth and at last cut it off out easily. He thus set the lion free. Thus the lion was saved by the little mouse.

15. Read the following story. It is not complete. Use your imagination to complete it and give it a suitable title. Once there was an old farmer in certain village. He had four sons. They were very fond of quarrelling and used to quarrel among themselves all the time. So, there was no peace in the house and this made the old man extremely anxious. ………….. … … .. …… … …. .. …. … …… …. …… … … …. … …. … ….. ……
Unity is strength
Once there was an old farmer in a certain village. He had four sons. They were very fond of quarrelling and used to quarrel among themselves all the time. So, there was no peace in the house and this made the old man extremely anxious. The farmer and his wife were unhappy for it. One day while the sons were quarreling , the farmer called his sons. He asked them to bring four sticks together. The brought the sticks. He told his wife to tie the sticks together. Then he gave the bundle to his sons one after another and told them to break the bundle. The tried again and again but could not break the bundle. Then he told his wife to untie the bundle and give one stick to each of their sons and told them to break. This time they easily broke the sticks. He then told his sons, “if you are united , nobody can harm you.” The sons understood the matter and stopped quarrelling forever.

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