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Population Problem in Bangladesh Essay


Topics: (Introduction, Present position in Bangladesh, Why is overpopulation a problem, Remedial measure, Conclusion)

The population of a country is an asset, but it becomes a problem when the country can not afford to provide people with the basic necessities of life. Bangladesh is a small country. The total area of Bangladesh is 1,47,570 square kilometers. Our total population is about 120 million. So, the population problem is really a great malady for our country.
Bangladesh is a poor country but her population is still increasing by leaps and bounds. The rate of growth is about 1.48% every year. Our country cannot afford the necessary things such as food, shelter, medicine items of clothing, housing, and education for the increasing people. Naturally, the population of Bangladesh has created a serious problem and it is also a burning question for the country.
Population in Bangladesh is increasing by geometrical progression whereas the agricultural production is increasing with Arithmetic progression. Our country mainly depends on her agriculture, but our agricultural production is still unsatisfactory on account of old and unscientific methods of cultivation. Moreover, we find natural calamities like floods, droughts, cyclones etc. every year, These bear poverty for the country.
Besides, eighty percent of the population is illiterate. They know very little about family planning and cannot realize the tremendous effect of overpopulation. It may be noted that illiteracy, polygamy, religious influences, the custom of early marriages are also responsible for the population problem of Bangladesh.

Proper education and an idea of the fair standard of living should be given to the people. Newspapers, television, and cinema are being regularly used popularise the idea of birth control and family planning. As a result, they will be fully aware of the evil effects of overpopulation.
Population problem in Bangladesh is a number one national problem. It should be our only thinking that two children are enough for each family whether it be a male or a female. If the Government and the people of our country are determined to implement birth control, we can hope that the present growth rate of the population will be reduced in the near future.

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