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Essay on Importance Of Sports

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Introduction: The word SPORT stands for sincerity, punctuality, obedience, regularity, and tenacity. These are all essential qualities of a person to do well in life.

Various kinds of sports: We must remember that wealth or education is of little use to a person of ill-health. So physical exercise is a must. But it varies according to age and sex of an individual. There are various kinds of sports and exercises like swimming, boating, running, jumping and games like football, cricket, hockey, tennis, badminton, volleyball, basketball, and exercises with the help of instruments etc.
Choice of sports: Everyone can select a sport of his own choice and take part in it. But what is important to know is that what is necessary and good for a particular man or woman may not be suitable and even may be harmful to another.
An expert’s advice: In this respect advice of an expert in physical education is quite useful. So there are physical instructors in schools and colleges to guide the students as we know the choice depends on age, ability, and opportunity for taking up a particular physical exercise.
What sport needs: Sport of any kind needs necessary things. All sports do not need same or all things. A few minutes and a small open space are enough for it. So none need stand aloof. We should keep in mind that nutrition, healthy habits, and disciplined life are essential for physical fitness.
Significance: Sports have a great significance in our individual as well as our collective life. It builds our body and gives us more energy in work. It gives us skill, discipline, sense of co-operation and team spirit. Some games call forth courage and presence of mind. Sports and games are joyful activities too. A true sportsman is frank, generous and free from petty spite. These are sportsmanlike qualities. Of course, over-exercise is often more harmful than no exercise. However, we should keep in mind that regularity must be maintained in physical exercises as it is the mainspring for getting any benefit from any physical exercise.
Value: The proverb runs—”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” The strain of work and the monotony of the daily routine tire our body and mind. It adversely tells upon our nerves. The sports can refresh them and supply fresh vigor to our body and mind. Hence there goes a Latin proverb—”mens Sana in corpore sano”, that is a sound mind exists in a sound body’, On the contrary, a diseased body makes a mind diseased. So a good health is most important in our life.
Physical fitness: Sport is good for health. In fact, it makes muscles strong but removes laziness. Idle sitting makes body removes laziness. Idle sitting makes body paralyzed but the sport of any form makes it active by creating interest. A sportsman finds charms and pleasure in working.
Teaching of sports: Sport teaches us its rules and time. It teaches us fellow-feeling, a good sense of co-operation, friendship and pulling together with others. It gives us a proper knowledge of integrity and hardihood. It teaches us obedience, tolerance, party spirit and all other good qualities as required in life.
All sports are not suitable: All sports are not suitable for all ages and all times. An old man cannot swim or play football. A lame man cannot play cricket though he wants too. So sports should be suitable in consideration of age, physical condition etc.
Economic benefit: Sport can provide a sportsman with an economic solvency. A good sportsman can earn a heap of money annually. He can help the national economic development by earning foreign currency.

Conclusion: Sport has all the values in man’s life. So we should take up one in accordance with our age, health mental and physical state.

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