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Composition on Blessing of Science

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  •  Thousands of years ago, the primitive man was a slave to Nature. His life was played by the eccentric hands of various malignant forces of nature. He was helpless. But that helpless cave-man, at last, stood against the wayward Nature. He began to learn the techniques of protecting his own existence. He used his brain; it developed little by little. He used his hands, legs, eyes and other limbs of his body; they all developed and got stronger.

    He used his mental faculty against the mighty attacks of Nature and was eventually successful. He was able to tame the wild forces of Nature and use them for his own comfort and convenience. This man went on inventing new techniques and discovering new realities and using them in the proper way.
    Now man has a wide reservoir of various techniques, knowledge, and experience, which we call science in a word. So, the advancement and progress that has taken place in the human civilization so far have only been possible by dint of science. Truth to tell, the modern civilization is a gift of science.’
    Science has made life easy and comfortable for the man. Our every-day life is full of the contributions that science has made. ln, the morning we start our day’s work after taking a bird’s eye view of the newspaper which is a gift of science. We consume the benefits of electricity, electric fan, radio, television, pressure cooker, air-conditioner and thousands of other things every minute, every day.
    We talk to people of far-off places through the telephone. We communicate with people from other parts of the world or far-off places through fax, E-Mail telegraph, and other devices. Now we do not have to walk upstairs or downstairs in a ten-story building and get tired; the lift is there to carry us up and down in the twinkling of an eye, so to say.
    Now we have cars, buses, trucks, trains and such other facilities for transportation and communication. Almost anything that can be said to have made our every~day life easier and more comfortable is a gift of science-be it a tiny-shaped stapler or a big refrigerator.
    Inventions in the medical world have changed our life almost altogether. Now we do not have to suffer from diseases unattended and helplessly. Various medicines are there to prevent as well as cure various diseases. As a result, the death rate of the population in the present day has decreased dramatically. Some diseases like malaria and smallpox have already been driven away from the earth, so to say.
    Science has eased our life by providing us with various luxurious goods like perfumery, air-conditioner, entertainment instruments such as radios, televisions, cinema, and such other things. Many of these things are nowadays considered essentials of every-day life. Now we can hardly think of a day without a cup of tea or the soothing wind of the electric fan. We can not even think of a single day when we do not enjoy the entertainment programmes on the TV or on the Radio. Many such things have enriched our life.
    Science is the most important book on earth. It has made possible for us what earlier was thought to be unimaginable and impossible. No doubt that it has created a number of fatal problems, but those problems can be solved with the help of science, and our earnest intentions to live better and happily is enough to solve them. In the modern world, science has no alternative. We cannot do without it.

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