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Essay on A POSTMAN

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The Postman Essay  – Introduction: A postman is a familiar figure in our country. He is a government employee and works in the postal department. He is a very useful person for us. We depend on him for sending and receiving emails.

Appearance: A postman usually  wears a Khaki dress and bears a bag full of letters and parcels over his shoulder. Sometimes he rides on a bicycle.
Duties: A postman has to do a lot of work. His work starts at the post office early in the morning. He opens the mailbox and sorts out the letters and parcels. He delivers  the outgoing mails to the runner and collects mails and parcels to be distributed in his area. Then he sets out to deliver the mails and parcels at the specific addresses. In towns, he drops the mails and parcels at the mailboxes. Where there is no mailbox, he throws the letters through the doors and windows. For delivering the registered mails, money orders, and parcels he meets the addressed persons at specific addresses.
The life of a postman: In spite of his hard labor a postman receives a very scanty (4te) salary. His family is not well off. With his meager income, he cannot meet the bare necessities of his family. So, he is always in the need.
Conclusion: A postman is a great friend to us. In villages, where everybody knows him personally, people share their joys and sorrows with the postman and treats him like a member of the family.

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