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Composition on Discipline

Discipline Composition

Topics: [Introduction Discipline in nature, Discipline in student life, Importance Of discipline, Conclusion]

Man is a social being. He has to obey some rules and regulations of society. It is called discipline. Discipline is the prerequisite of happy and planned life. It brings prosperity in life. It is an ornament of human life and the key to success.

Discipline is the first law of nature. The sun, the moon, the planets, and even tiny insects follow the rule of nature. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The planets move around the sun in a disciplined way. The seasons of the years come one after another in regular turns. If there is no discipline in nature, the world will destroy. Discipline is also found in the human body. Various organs of the body co-operate with one another.
Discipline is very important in student life. If a student does not lead his life in a disciplined way, he will surely fail in life. The nation cannot expect any better thing from him. Student life is the proper time of practicing discipline. It is the time of sowing of future life. So, discipline is essential to student life.
Discipline is very important in every walk of life. To maintain peace and order discipline is the must. Otherwise, chaos and confusion happen. Without it, a house becomes a madhouse. A school, college or university cannot go a single day without discipline. A disciplined nation climbs at the top of success. On the other hand, without discipline, a nation goes towards destruction.
In the long run, it can be said that discipline is a must in all spheres of our life. Without it, our life becomes a life full of sufferings. So, we must be disciplined.

Value Of Discipline Essay

Discipline Essay & Paragraph – Discipline means subordination to the existing objective rules and laws of the external environment so as to ensure overall harmony among things and their interactions. All creations human or non-human-have to maintain some rules and regulations to match with the entire system with which they interact.

If they did not maintain those rules, there would be anomaly in the system they belong to. And this is equally important for both humans and non-humans. But, fortunately, Nature has automatized the obedience to these rules for the nonhuman world. Therefore, when we talk of discipline, we only concern humans and human institutions. For this purpose, however, examples can be cited from the non-human world.
Every non-human creation of the universe obeys the rules of its own discipline. For example, the earth invariably continuously moves around the sun; the rivers flow up and down; the seasons of the year come one after another; and so on. Likewise, every member of the animal world strictly obeys the rules that it is supposed to obey to be in harmony with the system it interacts with. From these and various other unmentioned examples, we can easily conclude that discipline is imposed on us by nature herself.
If, however, we look at the human world, we also see the existence of such discipline that is imposed on us by nature. But, in addition to it, we have to follow various other sets of rules that are made and followed by ourselves. Such rules prevail in every span of our life. Especially, when we want to move systematically with the current flows of the aggregate activities of the society and, at the same time, want to make any progress, we must create some rules and follow them. Our deliberate subordination of such rules is called discipline.
Discipline helps to manage ourselves: our time, activities, institutions. If, for example, students want to perform well and advance rapidly toward the desired goal of life, they must discipline themselves according to the rules of the school, college, or university he/she reads it. Without discipline, soldiers could not be made soldiers, employees of a company would not work to the fulfillment of the corporate objectives, the streets of the modern cities could not aviod the traffic jam for a moment.
Without discipline one train would unmistakeably collide with another or the airport would no longer remain a safe place for planes to land. In a word, discipline must be there for everyone to work systematically towards the achievement of any goal whatsoever.
It is worth mentioning in this connection that people can be disciplined in two ways-positively and negatively. And accordingly, discipline can be said to be of two types; namely, positive discipline and negative discipline. When people are encouraged to behave in a desired way by providing them incentives or by exposing them to the feeling of achieving something for which they are working or behaving the way they do, we are said to follow a positive disciplinary approach.
When, on the other hand, people are made to behave in a specified way or manner by threatening to penalize or punish them if they did not behave that way, then we are said to follow a negative disciplinary approach. Virtually, in this approach, people are encouraged to behave in a specified manner because they are discouraged to behave in another prohibited manner.
It is to be emphasized that we should follow the positive approach as frequently as possible. But all human beings are not equally amenable to rules and regulations. There are some people who are not actually self-motivated to behave in a specified way. This necessitates the use of negative motivation also. In practice, both of these two methods are applied simultaneously to discipline people.
In conclusion, we must say that discipline virtually controls our whole life. Only discipline can ensure an uninterrupted progress for human beings. Therefore, we need to maintain it in every span of our lives. And what is more important, the best way to do it is by disciplining our selves by our inner impulse. We should always bear in mind that, without it we all would live in a world of chaos.

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