Essay On An Ideal Student- For School & College Level Students

Ideal student qualities : An ideal student is conscious of his duties and responsibilities. He is regular and punctual in attendance. He is aware of his works, activities rights, and social services, He is truthful, punctual, studious, honest, perseverance, kind-hearted, dutiful, thoughtful, obedient, submissive, religious, bold, well mannered and exemplary. He always ponders over his dignity self-respect, economy, cleanliness and politeness. An ideal student never idles away his valuable time in gossiping, eating and playing Idly.
His duties: An ideal student is sagacious by nature. He is gentle and farsighted. So to improve his life he makes a proper division of his time and performs his duties accordingly. He never comes in touch with near and dear ones who are impolite disobedient and idle. He is a leader and bonafide citizen of the country. He is ready to take an active participation in social and voluntary services during natural calamities like floods, cyclones, tornadoes, famines and other natural devastations for the wellbeing and betterment of the victims. As a human being, he is bound to have a few weaknesses here and there. He may sometime be weak in a subject or two.
But these human shortfalls or deficiencies will never disqualify a student from being an ideal one when in balance he has many other qualities of head and heart. An ideal student is painstaking, hard-working and studious as a bookworm and participates in preparing his home tasks and in learning his lessons well. At home, an ideal student helps the parents in doing household chores. Many a time, he shares many things when guests visit his house. He is, so to speak, at everybody’s beck and call. He is judged not in partly but wholly. He never always tries to be top as toppers often become connected, arrogant and look down upon other students. They also suffer from a superiority complex and neglect their health and activities related to it.
His nature: An ideal student is smart, well-dressed, active, good behaved, less talkative and what not. He can put up his problems to the teachers, superiors, and elders in a most polite way. He is aware of the art of presenting everything to all. He shapes his life after the famous men and women. He is always careful about avoiding a bad company come what may. He does not spend even a single second for anything except doing good deeds like reading textbooks, newspapers, magazines, pictorials and practicing his respective religion. He is open-hearted, broad-minded, beneficial, benevolent and a keen observer of men and things. He leaves nothing untried to go beyond extension. He is inquisitive by nature. Besides studies, he also reads the best authors to gain true knowledge and to widen his mental horizon. He cultivates all good and useful things. He follows the lofty idealism of the great men to build up his character and a pure heritage as well. Wherever he goes, he does and goes with a firm faith in the Creator. He never wills to become the disturbing substance/element or never expects to any of his companions. An ideal student presents an ideal example of idealism in his words and deeds.
Teachers’ responsibility: The teacher community has a responsibility to present the nation and the land with ideal students. Because they remain in the educational institutions most of the time with them. Hence their activities, are the copybooks to them. If the teachers are qualified, polite, dedicated, strong-natured, truthful and dutiful, they can produce ideal students because their influence on them is long lasting and strong focusing.
Conclusion: An ideal student is conscious. He knows best than a single rotten apple is quite enough to spoil the parents and the society for all the facilities being enjoyed by him. An ideal student can make the society, the nation, and the land proud and his life meaningful. The country wants ideal students for her prosperity, success, overall development entirely depend on them.
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