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Conversation Between Doctor and Patient

1. Conversation Between Doctor and Patient about Fever

Doctor: Hello! What can I do for you?

Patient: I am suffering from Fever and sore throat since yesterday.

Doctor: Do you have cough problem also?

Patient: Yes I have

Doctor: Do you have any other symptoms?

Patient: I also feel headache and shivering.

Doctor: Have you taken any medicine so far?

Patient: No Doctor.

Doctor: Let me check your temperature. Now the fever is 101 degrees.

Patient: Is there something serious Doctor?

Doctor: Don’t worry. Take the prescribed medicines two times a day for 3 days and get some rest.

Patient: Thank you very much Doctor.

Doctor: Welcome. Get well soon.

2. Conversation Between Patient and Doctor about Stomach Pain

Patient: Hello Doctor.

Doctor: Hello, How can I help You?

Patient: Actually Doctor, Since morning I am having severe stomach pain.

Doctor: Tell me where exactly the pain is?

Patient: It is somewhat near the lower abdomen.

Doctor: Do you have any other symptoms?

Patient: No doctor.

Doctor: What did you eat last night?

Patient: I had a dinner party with friends in a Restaurant.

Doctor: That’s the reason. Don

’t worry I am prescribing you some medicines, take them regularly and avoid eating outside food.

Patient: Thank you so much Doctor.

Doctor: Take care

3. Dialogue Between Doctor and Patient about Headache

Patient: Good evening Doctor!

Doctor: Good Evening. How can I help you?

Patient: I am suffering from headache since morning.

Doctor: Have you taken any medicine?

Patient: Yes doctor but still not getting better.

Doctor: You have a running nose. Your headache could be a result of sinus infection. Let me check it.

Patient: Is it something serious doctor?

Doctor: I think sinus infection is the cause of your headache. It’s not a regular headache. Don’t worry I am prescribing some medicines. Take the medicines regularly. You’ll get better soon.

Patient: Thank you Doctor.

Doctor: Visit me after one week for a checkup.

Patient: Okay doctor.

4. Dialogue between doctor and patient about Fever, Cough and Headache

Patient: May I come in, doctor?

Doctor: Yes, come in, please.

Patient: Thank you, doctor.

Doctor: Please, be seated. What ails you?

Patient: I had high temperature last night. It was 103°C. Moreover, I have a chest pain. I also cough.

Doctor: I see. Now lie down on the bed. I’ll check your chest. It’s cold weather now. You should be careful.

Patient: Last week I had gone to a village to do some field work on the potable water. I’d to work even at late evening under the open sky. I felt sick there, I returned with pain in chest.

Doctor: Any headache?

Patient: It is slight. Not severe. Is it serious anything?

Doctor: Nothing serious. You’ve caught cold. Take these medicines. You’ll be ok. Have your bath only in tepid water for some days.

Patient: Thank you, doctor.

5. Conversation Between Patient and Doctor about Indigestion

Patient: Good Morning Doctor.

Doctor: Morning. What is wrong with you?

Patient: I am suffering from indigestion since last few days.

Doctor: Have you noticed any other symptoms?

Patient: I have also headache. I couldn’t sleep at night.

Doctor: I think this is happening because of anxiety and bad eating habit.

Patient: Yes, Doctor. I have a lot of work pressure and due to my field work, I eat a lot of junk food.

Doctor: I will suggest you to take a break from your work and eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables etc. Besides, I am also prescribing some medicines, take them 2 times a day.

Patient: Thank you Doctor.

Doctor: Welcome. Take care.

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