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Essay On Discipline In Life

Introduction: Discipline means to obey some rules and regulations. It also implies the subordination of one’s personal will to the control of some superiors and external authority. It is also essential to work in a collective and a co-operative manner.

It is more than ever necessary in the educational institution for young people who are by nature full of high spirits which make them full assertive and impatient of restraint. e Teachings: Rules and directions are meant to fix the hours of work and play the forms of conduct and behavior.
The students should be taught- each is for all, no one for oneself. In other word—the individual must sacrifice his self-will to the demands of corporate life. Unless their natural ebullience or waywardness is held in some sorts of the check, their minds cannot be directed to any purposeful ends. In such a state they may go astray. Hence every educational institution must have a minimum set of rules and regulations.
The Competent figures: All men in society are not competent. Obeying discipline they become so. Hence discipline is to be regarded not as an end but a means to an end. Where initiative is discouraged, originality is satisfied and mechanical conformity to certain codified directions is the be-all and the end-all of life, it is off the mark. But true or real discipline is the voluntary restraint that one accepts in order to enjoy freedom. One who obeys orders is alone fit for commanding others in every sphere of life.
Curse of indiscipline: To regard discipline from a negative standpoint is quite wrong. It does not mean an affair of a mere denial of personal liberty or freedom. But freedom is utmost important for the healthy growth of a youthful mind. The object of discipline is not a denial of freedom but its proper direction and regulation is a must.
Unchartered freedom is likely to degenerate into license. The proper attitude should be to enforce the observance of rules in order that the individual tendencies and whims may not interfere with other works in any way. Rowdyism in the college corridors, disturbances in the classroom, refusal of the library rules, disobedience to the constituted authority etc also affect the general order seriously.
Whatever rules are presented or orders are passed must voluntarily be respected. But to its contrary, or if they are not, they have to be enforced by the authority, if necessary with fine and punishment. Such an action never appears to be accepted with good grace. We know that true or real discipline is also a creative process.
To liberate the mind is its ultimate object. One becomes so habituated of thinking and acting that one can develop an orderly attitude of life by spontaneously accepting a prescribed code of conduct. The enforcement of discipline must be accompanied by a recognition of its proper end. This is not only to act as a check on the errant student but also to be an intelligent guide to correct conduct, The student involved must be persuaded to find that he should not exercise any right himself unless he is at the same time conscious of his duties and responsibilities to others.
In a corporate life and society, it is necessary to subordinate his right in the discharge of his duties. Without strict discipline, an institution may become a madhouse where the members can do anything out of whims. The institution remains full of chaos and confusion and the students are bound to go to the dogs or to lose themselves in course of time. Discipline does not beget them academic certificates but provides them to enjoy a regulated and healthy life.
The Discipline in academic: Today we are passing through a period of acute and undesirable restlessness. Rules and routines in academic life have become too mechanical and often meaningless. What we think today will lead to action tomorrow. We have allowed things to drift for too long.
The society at large is becoming more and more intolerant, even violent. Rational and disciplined order need creating a good atmosphere. Once the realization develops the acceptance of discipline becomes easy and voluntary. It need not be rigid as the discipline in the army, but something easy-going and yet not loose/flexible at all.
Usefulness: Man is born in a disciplined way. But his rearing up needs a strong disciplined place. Academy of any kind teaches the goers discipline. There are some hard and fast rules in the academy. So discipline should be maintained all through one’s academic life. Education without discipline is not perfect. A disciplined academic life leads the nation towards justice, honesty and truthfulness. So perfection can be attained if there is a strong discipline in academic life.
Conclusion: Discipline helps a man lead a perfect life. It saves a man from being corrupted. It teaches a man to live a peaceful life. The world is a cosmos if there is discipline. On the other hand, if there is no discipline, the world becomes chaos. So for smooth run discipline is desirable in every sphere of life.

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