Essay On Importance Of Money for all students
Importance Of Money Essay -1
Don’t Forget to Check: Essay in English
Money makes a man daring: In practical life, the importance of money is commonly understood. Everyone under the sun hankers after earning / hoarding money forgetting religious works and other moral duties. For money, one can do anything even at the risk of one’s life. Nature does not provide man with a lot of money but man is to earn it by hook or by crook, or by undergoing any manual work. Limited income fails to bear the expenses of a man. Then he compels to earn money by adopting a dishonest way.
Money is all: The reason behind any conflict is money. Everyone is more or less rapacious. Even an infant in the cradle knows the importance of money and stretches its hands towards H, though it can not value or understand its importance. A moneyed man is respected and honored. He can lead society. Every member in society comes under his shadow. Though quite unschooled, a moneyed man is more honorable than a poor learned man. Even the law enforcing body respects and honors him. His kith and kin are at his beck and call.
A comment on money: Truly speaking, one cannot get on well in the world without money. To be in want of it is to pass through life with little credit or pleasure. William Hazlitl in his book “On the want of Money” has mentioned the following— To be in, # is to be despised; it is not to be asked out to dinner, or noticed in the street; it is not to have your opinion consulted or else rejected with contempt, it is to be scrutinized by strangers, and neglected by friends, it is to forego leisure, freedom, ease of body and mind, to be dependent on the good-will and caprice of others; it is to earn a precarious and risksome livelihood by some labourious employment; it is to be compelled to stand behind a counter, or to sit at a desk in some public office, or to marry your landlady, or not the person you would wish; or to go out to the East or West Indies, to get a situation as judge abroad and return home with a liver complaint, or to be deprived of the use of your fingers by transcribing Greek manuscripts; or to try some of the Fine Arts, with all your pains, anxiety and hopes, most probably to fail, or, if you succeed, after the exertions of years, and undergoing constant distress of mind and fortune, to be assailed on every side with envy, back-biting, and falsehood, or to be a favourite with the public for a while, and then thrown into the background; it is to be jostled by the rabble because you do not ride in your coach, or avoided by those who know your worth and shrink from it; it is to be a burden to your relations, or unable to do anything for them; to be ashamed to venture into crowds; to have cold comfort at home; to lose by degrees your confidence and any talent you might possess; to grow crabbed, morose, dissatisfied with everyone, to most so with yourself, and plagued out of your life, to look about for a place to die in, and quit the world. The wiseacres will possibly, however, crowd around your coffin, and raise a monument at a considerable expense, and after a lapse of time, to commemorate your genius and your misfortunes!
Conclusion: “Money is life” goes the wise maxim. To pay more importance on it a man forgets the Creator and indulges himself in earning it. Some take money to be the next to Him. The man remembers money very often but God rarely or occasionally. Money is important from birth up to death.
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